Thursday 20 June 2013


At the time of writing, I work for an AV company. I saw that they only had expertise in X86 assembly language, and yet most people I knew accessed the internet from ARM-based telephones and tablets. I had a philosophical preference for RISC architectures, so decided to be proactive and learn more about these ARM chips.

I discuss assembly language programming on the ARM processor (SheevaPlug and Raspberry Pi). ARM processors are found in lots of other places - most current phones and many tablets contain one.

Both of my computers run Debian GNU/Linux.

Here I use the GNU assembler, gas, the GNU C compiler, gcc, the GNU linker, ld and the GNU debugger, gdb.

I referred to GNU-ARM-Assy-Quick-Ref.pdf and More Assembler Directives. The instruction set is defined here

I can recommend as a good source of tutorials for ARM assembly programming.

For the first examples, I followed those supplied with the excellent X86 assembly language book,Professional Assembly Language by Richard Blum.

The code is at if you want to play with it.

Getting Started

Familiarity with gdb is useful. e.g.

  • Use b _start to set a break point at the label _start:
  • Use run to run to the break point.
  • s to step through from the break point
  • inspect registers or abbreviate to i r
  • x/4d &data to eXamine 4 decimal items of data

This page explains the basic usage well of gdb.

Communicating with Linux

We can invoke a system call to the operating system, exit, which allows us to pass back one parameter, as the exit code of the program.

.global _start
mov     r0, #42             @ the value in r0 is returned as the exit status of the process
mov     r7, #1              @ set r7 to 1 - the syscall for exit
                            @ calls listed in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h
swi     0                   @ then invoke the syscall from linux
bob@poland:~/src/asm$ /usr/bin/as -gstabs -o syscall.o syscall.s
bob@poland:~/src/asm$ /usr/bin/ld -o syscall syscall.o
bob@poland:~/src/asm$ ./syscall 
bob@poland:~/src/asm$ echo $?

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