The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
.syntax unified @ 600851475143 is 8BE589EAC7 in hex .equ numhi,139 @ 0x8b .equ numlo,3851020999 @ 0xe589eac7 num_hi .req r4 num_lo .req r5 maxdiv .req r6 n .req r7 .section .rodata .align 2 resstring: .asciz "%d\n" .text .align 2 .global main .type main, %function main: stmfd sp!, {r4-r7, lr} mov maxdiv, 0 mov n, 1 ldr num_lo, =numlo ldr num_hi, =numhi loop: add n, n, 2 @ start at 3 and increment by 2 loop1: mov r0, num_lo mov r1, num_hi mov r2, n mov r3, 0 bl long_divide teq r2, 0 bne loop teq r3, 0 bne loop mov num_lo, r0 @ only get here when we have no remainder mov num_hi, r1 @ save the divisor as the new number mov r0, n bl isprime teq r0, 1 bne loop @ increment n if n is non-prime cmp maxdiv, n movlt maxdiv, n @ save n as the largest divisor if it is larger teq num_lo, 1 @ we know it has prime factors beq printme b loop1 printme: mov r1, maxdiv ldr r0, =resstring @ store address of start of string to r0 bl printf mov r0, 0 ldmfd sp!, {r4-r7, pc} mov r7, 1 @ set r7 to 1 - the syscall for exit swi 0 @ then invoke the syscall from linux
The ARM is a RISC microprocessor and does not provide a divide command in the instruction set. We use a division routine from libgcc.
Using the -S option to gcc when a c file is compiled will generate an assembly language file which can be read for enlightenment.
.syntax unified # this subroutine returns 1 if the passed number is prime; 0 if not # inputs # r0 - integer to test # outputs # r0 - prime boolean number .req r4 divisor .req r5 tmp .req r6 .global isprime .type isprime, %function .text .align 2 isprime: stmfd sp!, {r4-r6, lr} mov number, r0 ands tmp, number, 1 bne odd mov r0, 0 cmp number, 2 @ 2 is the only prime even number bne last mov r0, 1 b last odd: mov divisor, 3 cmp number, 8 bgt big mov r0, 1 cmp number, 1 @ 1 is the only odd number < 8 not prime bne last mov r0, 0 b last big: mov r0, number mov r1, divisor bl divide teq r1, 0 beq factor add divisor, divisor, 2 mul tmp, divisor, divisor subs tmp, tmp, number ble big mov r0, 1 b last factor: mov r0, 0 last: ldmfd sp!, {r4-r6, pc}
The isprime function uses a naive, yet straightforward, algorithm to determine whether a given number is prime.
.syntax unified # divide takes value in r0, divisor in r1 and returns dividend in r0 and modulus in r1 .global divide .type divide, %function divide: stmfd sp!, {lr} # see bl __aeabi_uidivmod ldmfd sp!, {pc}
Our divide and long_divide routines are wrappers around the libgcc functions to allow comments.
.syntax unified # long_divide takes low numerator in r0, high numerator in r1, low denominator in r2 and high denominator in r3 # returns low quotient in r0, high quotient in r1, low remainder in r2 and high remainder in r3 .global long_divide .type long_divide, %function long_divide: stmfd sp!, {lr} # see bl __aeabi_uldivmod ldmfd sp!, {pc}
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